Mereka yang Kiut Miut :)

30 December 2011

Selamat ke Kandang

one to the two to the three little indian for litt-
ok ok
yo yo yoo sup ? supper ? ohohhoo. not yet maaa
baru pkul brapa. awal lagi babe

so di sini beta ingin mengucapkan selamat malam since sudah malam ni
and beta keseorangan di sini sorang sorang sorang. FOREVER ALONE.
oh wadehelll. ok mngarut je suma tu.

okeh, so gua sekarang ada kat hotel laa. hotel murah je
opss silap. hostel. ok hostel gua ni.
semalam kakak gua baru hantar gua pulang ke sini
selepas memakan sate dgan kawan beliau. iaitu, lelaki.
aku terfikir, bila akak aku ni na kawin ? haih -,-
fine fine. soooo, lepas hantar aku balik
aku naik la hostel nii and wallaaaweh, gelap dan sunyi

seperti matamu yang hitam ditelan pekat malam. hm, so sweet niessa, sweet lewww tuwww
yekk yekkk
k, shut up.

aku naik je, takde orang so aku call kawan2 aku,
dorang ckap dorang takde kat hostel finee. finee
so terpaksa laa aku tidur sorang sorang, depan tv, SORANG SORANG , ULANG SORANG. k ?
oteyyy cunnn. tapi nasib baik la ada la jugak kwan ak sorang ni ad kat hostel, tpi blik lain laa
beliau la makhluk tuhan yang baik hati bg aku pinjam laptop beliau
untuk mengisi pagi pagi hari ku

tapi dia tido dalam bilik, aku tidur luar, err perlu ke cakap ? k wadehelll
fineee fineee
and sebenarnya pagi esok aku mngetahui la bhawa makhluk itu adalah manusia,
yupp bukan hantu bukannn
sebab dia pi kija esok, hahahaha. k sekarang ni pon tak pulang2 lgi

so dgn tu aku mmbuat keputusan untuk skype dgn kawan aku, Sema a/p Zaki
hahhahahha. skypeee skypeee ntah papeeee, smpai pkul lima aku tidurr
krohhh kroooh. hm terlepas subuh ngan zohor. tak elok yee
jangan ikut contoh ini. fine aku jahat jahat jahaatttt. blalalalala~

hm hm hm. aku taktau motif aku cerita benda ni sebenarnyee. hmm -,- hmmm -,-
k laa, malam ni aku patut tido awal since Lan ajak aku pi hospital esok
nak pi tengok Komeng, soooo. bye

oh, tadi aku baru tengok cite ni, ye laa slow skitt
tapi best, sebab hero handsome, kakahkahkah, k crite pon best.
eh silap. kena ketawa macam ni, hehehhe, baru comel. bak kata aru laaa.
layannn dopppp. hahaahahahahaha.

24 December 2011

In The Name of Friendship

So yesterday,
i confessed my past to a friend
my past is not something that i would like to remember of
because whenever i opened my story
i hurt

but because he is my friend and a guy who i care about
i end up telling him a honest story
the truth about me and what happened to me back then
and yes. i knew he can't handle it
he just so frustrated

the way he expressed his frustration makes me sad
sad because i thought he is a friend accept me and who i am
but i understood why he do that
because he never believe what people said about me
what people talk bad about me
he just won't eat it
i appreciate he did that
but soon after i told him everything, he frustrated
fine. i get it. i'm not a girl who you should defend of right ?
i'm not that worthy. i acknowledge the fact

my story, i only told this about only to 5 person
and as far as i know, they accept my past as it is.
i realize me is not that worthy for such acceptance
because i do hate myself back then. and even now

1# mandag

told him this and that
he gave me such a very meaningful advice
he was so nice to me
he asked me after some day of my breakup ' are you okay today '
just by that word, i was crying.
i was hopeless back then, and he gave me the spirit to get up
thank you.

2# sam

she had her own past
i bet she understand what i'm going through back then
we both have history ourselves
but it was different kind
me involved someone
and she involved something
even so, i knew that she's better than me
all those advice, thank you.

3# wong

he is my boyfriend
of course i need to tell him
my past, my attitude
he need to know that
and i told him
for God sake, thank you
he accepted me as who i am
even i maybe doubted it little bit
but he never bring that up.
his past
bluntly, he told me everything
the honesty he gave to me
that is important most
and i'm fine with it
i can't change the past
neither mine nor his
thank you sayang.

4# yaya

she know something about me
she asked, i told
she is my friend who i trust so much
just like everyone. she likes me as i am now
no matter what i do, she still with me
thank you.

5# aru

see aru, i told you everything i can
even it's a lie, i knew you just believe it
i don't care how much you mad at me
but you won't know how much me mad at myself
so much
so much that i would take back what i said to you
if only i know the truth hurt you that much, i would lie
but what can i do. i'm just being honest to my friend.
you are my friend
so you need to accept me for who i am
but please, don't make a fool out of yourself again
defend for me. that is the last thing i need from you
just don't
i'm sorry.

mom dad my family. they are the person i need to apologize to
and i just not strong enough to accept the consequences
so i'm just being quiet about this.
this is a secret which i won't tell anybody else anymore
enough of this.
let this secret reveal itself at Padang Masyar.
because i don't wanna lost my friends, even one. NO.

11 December 2011


we don't know the answer
we don't know what to do
and for me the best medicine to our relationship
is Time.
i know, it is hard to let out the answer
bcoz some just gonna make one hurts
it is fine if you tell me nothing
i will just accepted it
every in and out of you
i accepted it with all my heart
because you see,
i love you so much.

if this silence is what you want.
then i fulfill your wish
because that is all i can do for you here
i know we won't see each other much
but i hope one thing is for sure
i hope you love me as much you love me
when we first been together.

one fine day. when we meet again
trust me. im gonna be a fine great woman
for you. and make you fall in love again. like more.
and i will make you smile :)
i know breakup is not the way,
but tell me someday if that is what you want
i will let you go. for your own good.

but for the time being, i will wait for you.
i will wait for the man that i promise to marry myself to.
a GOOD MAN. thats you.

thats it. I LOVE YOU.

p/s : hey take a good care of my bear tau ! or i'll kill yours. HAHA. kidding darling.

03 December 2011

I Met Them

today. oh wait no, yesterdayyyyy kannnn
wake up at 11am got call from my mom
asking when i will come at her, as we gonna go home TODAY.
so longggggg kualeeee lumporrrrr, daaa daaaa ~
so i pack stuff and hit to lrt
vrrooomm vroomm lrt berbunyii
smpai PWTC.
i think about an hour im trying to find this PWTC building..
lol sucksssss mannnn, its hotttt with that bag and that bag aloneeeee

*this indon story sucks and fool

oh iklan sat.
ok then aku jumpa la jgaakkkk.
Puan Sri @ bini MB nak jlan2 kat Mid Valley plakkkk
aku on je la, Folloowwww~

smpai smpai tkedek kedek la situu tngu PS mmbeli emas2 beliau, takpe foloooowwww jer
tiba2,, tuutttt disana kami trnampak Salih Yaacob and Raja Azuraa

we just look at them walking walking walking ~
after the emas emas buying things done. PS head home
and all of them soooo smilingggg :)
and me toooo :)
bcoz after that we head to a shop and we met SY and RA againn
hoho, man she is beautiful and look young !
lucky us. some point, i get shy standing next to her, uhuk :')

after all the shopping2 done, we head to the hotel
and they went out and im left alone. FOREVER ALONE.
whatever im having fun myself

So here some picture with them. DONT CHU EVER LAUGH.

he was keep busying talking stuff even when pic taken. lawak la uncle ni

yes. i am fat. THANKS ALOT. bye