its been about 1 month and a day for me studying here, the new environment and people. colourful, fun, exciting everyday, hyperactive and so many things that i cant describe in words.
it was awesommmeee. my classmates is a big happy family :)) which i can always be proud of. everyday, everytime, everysecond i love you all
we have this big relationship among us, we have the chemistry. u know, right now,
i cant stop smiling all the time thinking about my classmates who veryyy awesomeeeee.
friends, thank you for being with me when i need you and when i dont. guys, you were the best thing happened to me since my failure. so, this is little bit of them :))))<<----superhappy

al, sue, yaya, myself, bai and joan - heading to wangsa maju

tiger can be tame too, people. believe it

yaya keep complaining about her picture. haiyoo

yaya lost her hairclip here, this is the proof of her nyanyok :D

we were kenyanggggg with foood, the weird al face

this is joan :) the Sabah girl

gegirl or wong wong. if u notice, he had the Mr. bean sock

they are human. they like gossip

so much for introduce this people.